How to Optimize Your Meeting Room for the Hybrid Work Environment

How to Optimize Your Meeting Room for the Hybrid Work Environment

Hybrid work continues to increase in popularity. Many parents appreciate the flexibility and extra time they can spend with their children. Hybrid work environments can increase productivity and provide flexible work hours. They also open employment opportunities to more expansive pools of talent across the world. If your company offers hybrid opportunities, you must optimize your meeting rooms to ensure they’re suitable for everyone, including those who can’t physically be present. Follow the tips below to create the ideal work environment.

Use Flexible Seating Arrangements

Long gone are the rigid, straight-backed office chairs encircling a conference table. Hybrid positions are particularly appealing to millennials, and this generation is anything but traditional. According to a survey by AfterCollege, about 68% of millennial job seekers stated that having the option for remote work would drastically increase their interest in specific employers. To appeal to employees who want to work remotely some or all of the time, optimize the way your office is arranged accordingly. Include monitors for people joining via video conference, incorporate comfy seating, and consider eliminating the table unless you need it for paperwork.

Incorporate Video Conference Technology

Plenty of people will be attending conferences and meetings via video, so it’s crucial to have the best technology to ensure everyone can participate in the meeting. Invest in high-definition monitors to provide a clear picture of the people attending via video. You’ll also need high-quality speakers and microphones. It’s important that people attending virtually still feel like part of the meeting and that everyone else can hear and see them correctly. This ensures a thriving hybrid work environment.

Update the Network and Wi-Fi

An unstable network can lead to lost video conference calls. Individuals attending via video may start breaking up, so you can’t hear or see them. This can be unpleasant or tedious for everyone involved. Ensure the network is updated when new equipment is installed so that the internet doesn’t run too slowly. Perform trial runs with employees to ensure everything is up to speed and everyone can enjoy your hybrid meeting rooms.

Encourage Mutual Collaboration

It’s easy for individuals working on a hybrid schedule to feel a little out of place among a sea of colleagues who head to the office five days weekly. You can create an inclusive environment by encouraging participation and collaboration. Utilize large whiteboards in meeting rooms to ensure everyone can see materials. Ask those attending via video about their opinion or help lead projects to keep them engaged.

At Stat International, we specialize in helping you find the ideal space for your team. Our services include in-person meeting spaces, virtual offices, and much more. Contact us today to discover how we can help you.

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