Working Remotely Leads to More Productivity

Working Remotely Leads to More Productivity

virtual services

Thirty percent of teleworkers have said that they are able to accomplish more work in less time by telecommuting according to a survey put out by ConnectSolutions. With telecommuting becoming more common, businesses are finding new ways to allow their employees to utilize this form of working.


What it is and why it works well

Telecommuting is simply the ability to work remotely by utilizing modern technology. In a day and age that focuses heavily on doing work online and over the phone, it is no surprise that this has gained popularity and causing many to rethink sitting in an office for hours on end each day. One reason that this form of working is effective is because of the flexible office space. Instead of a small office, one has the comfort of their own home or anywhere they feel comfortable working from. Having a choice of locations when it comes to working is something that makes people feel as though they have more freedom and feel better about working. Here in Delaware, there are many opportunities to have a job that allows employees to telecommunicate. This form of working is not just for the younger generations, a recent AARP survey found that nearly three quarters of survey participants would want more flexible work hours with over a quarter stating they would want to work from home.


Visual Services

Visual services allow co-working space for employees to do their work together while not in the same space. Different office solutions give room for new and helpful ways to work and virtual services is one that allows flexibility and collaboration in the workplace. Virtual services reportedly help reduce levels of stress that are prevalent when in the office.


Tip when working virtually

While working virtually may be a great idea, it could be hard for some to get used to an environment that is vastly different than anything you are used to. One tip is to get into a routine and when you need to do something and make sure a pattern is created. This helps to manage work in a timely fashion. Another tip is that just because the work is online doesn’t mean that any and all face-to-face communication needs to be erased. The face-to-face or even over the phone conversations allow confusion to be eliminated. Sometimes in a typed out message a tone or wording may come off one way that leads to a misunderstanding. It is important to not lose that connection just because of working in an environment with virtual services. Working remotely can be a very effective form of working and many have already begun using this tool over the typical workplace environment.

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