Virtual Offices:101

Virtual Offices:101

virtual officeIt is no secret we live in a world of technology. We are constantly connected to our friends and families via our smartphones, tablets, and social media accounts. But now, with the popularity of virtual offices, we can get connected to our bosses and coworkers just as easily.

The idea of virtual offices emerged in 1994, and has been growing ever since. Working remotely saves commuting time, reduces attrition, and increases productivity.

But what exactly does it mean to work in a virtual office? What is a virtual company? Here are some answers.

A virtual company uses telecommunications to work with different businesses all throughout the world. This includes using e-mail, text messaging, fax machines, and video conferencing. Virtual companies may not even need a central office. Everyone teleworks, including the top management. A company can even use a mixture of both, with a physical office space along with telework possibilities.

What is a virtual office?
In simple terms, a virtual office is a portable office. Wherever you go, your office goes with you. Your cell phone, tablets, and laptop computers are all equipped with the technology to function outside the office so you will always be in the loop with workers when you telework.

There are different services made available while working virtually.

Communication services
As the name implies, this means all your office communication is done throughout technology. This includes a virtual receptionist, a virtual assistant who rarely meets their clients face to face, utilizing call centers if you have a large company, and voicemail.

Space services
If your business operates virtually, it still needs to be official. So typically virtual companies will receive a professional address and a mailing address to alleviate personal security concerns of working at home. Enterprises can also use open envelope scanning, which allows all employees to virtually view a physical piece of mail if necessary, along with business meeting spaces in case a business meeting is needed. In addition, if your employees don’t work from home full-time, these providers can offer a casual, drop-in workplace, open to whoever needs it.

If you are in need of a virtual office service, contact the professionals at STAT Office Solutions, today!

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