How Working At Home Can Change You Life

office suitesSome people just don’t function well in the environment of traditional office suites, where they are expected to be on all day. The commute to and from work can also seriously cut into people’s personal time, leaving little time for the other aspects of life.

Luckily, telecommuting — the allowance of workers to work remotely or at home — is becoming increasingly popular with both employers and employees. An end of 2010 survey conducted by the Office Business Center Association International looked at 442 office business centers. The study showed a significant increase in virtual office growth in 2009, to 18.3% from 7.8% in 2008. It’s good for employers, too — nearly six out of 10 employers identified cost savings as a real boon to telecommuting.

1. Get Sick Less
Working remotely means less contact with people in an office where germs spread like wildfire. Setting up a virtual office protects employees from each other in many ways, while still making communication easy and feasible.

2. Have More Time For Yourself
The elimination of the usual commute is no small thing — it could lead to you to take advantage of fitness classes you never had the time to take, cook meals you can now start before you even leave the virtual office, and take breaks to tidy or stretch on your own floor instead of mindlessly surfing the net like you would have in a regular office space.

3. Get Some Sunlight
In the summer, it might be feasible for you to work in a park with WiFi, or in a cafe that has outdoor tables. This will seriously improve your life and health by exposing you to Vitamin D and making you happier by allowing you to spend some time outdoors.

Personalizing work time and space makes employees care more about their job, take better care of themselves, and respect their employers. Resources are saved as employers move away from traditional office suites and create unique offices on digital platforms.

Do you have any suggestions for reasons why working from home is awesome? Leave them in the comments!

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