6 Reasons to Start Working Fully Remote

6 Reasons to Start Working Fully Remote

Having a remote job is packed with perks, whether you’re working for a virtual company with a work-from-home position or have created your remote job by being a freelancer. There are several reasons why working from home has been widely accepted. Here are a few benefits and convincing reasons to work remotely.

1. Increased Productivity

Sun Microsystems discovered employees working remotely use 60% of what would be commuting time doing work, according to Stat International. This works out wonderfully for both employees and businesses. Employees can make more money or spend less time traveling to the office. Meanwhile, companies can enjoy having an astounding productivity rate.

2. It’s Comfortable

Working from home is the most comfortable position you can have. You don’t have to do your hair and makeup daily. You’ll never have to worry about wearing something inappropriate. Instead, you can wear whatever you want to work when walking into your home office.

3. Tax Deductions

When you work from home, you’ll enjoy several tax breaks, even if you work for a virtual company. Most people can deduct the expenses associated with a home office. You can also deduct a portion of the electric and internet bill. If your company doesn’t provide the office equipment you need, that’s also tax deductible.

4. Save Money

Working from home saves you a lot of money. Say goodbye to paying high gas prices. Instead of ordering out, save money by simply heading into the kitchen for lunch. Less vehicle use means fewer repairs, and your tires will last much longer. You’ll find that your monthly paychecks from your virtual company last much longer!

5. It’s Flexible

Most companies that hire remote employees are flexible. A virtual company may want you to get a certain amount of work done per day, or you may have deadlines to meet, but that doesn’t mean that you are stuck in front of a laptop for nine hours daily. Instead, you can take breaks as you see fit.

6. Quality of Life

Every little perk of working from home leads to you having a better quality of life. The additional savings add up, helping you save for a vacation or house remodel. Being able to be there for your children and never having to miss a game for a meeting is priceless. You’ll be able to work around your life instead of having to fit your life around your work.

Working from home for a virtual company provides the flexibility and savings we all need. Contact Stat International for more information about how we can help you.

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