How Telecommuting Can Actually Help Businesses Succeed | Stat International | First Class Office-Space and Solutions
How Telecommuting Can Actually Help Businesses Succeed

How Telecommuting Can Actually Help Businesses Succeed

Many business owners take a more conventional approach to their office space. While there’s nothing wrong with that, those in the workforce today are often looking for positions that provide a bit more flexibility. Often, the typical 9-5 office job simply isn’t conducive to other obligations and a balanced personal life. That’s why different office solutions like co-working spaces and virtual office spaces have become more popular in recent years.

But you might be surprised to know that working remotely isn’t beneficial just for employees. Whether you choose to let employees work from home or work in a furnished virtual office space that you’ve leased for their flexible use, there are distinct advantages for employers, too. We’ll take a closer look at some of these below.

    • Increased Productivity
      A lot of employers are under the impression that by allowing a worker to use their home or a virtual office, they’re granting license for that employee to slack off. But in fact, remote workers actually tend to be more productive than they are in a traditional office environment. And with a reduced or non-existent commute, your employees will have more time to spend on actually doing their job, rather than getting to and from your central location. And because many virtual offices are available for on-demand use for meetings, you don’t have to give up important in-person communication with employees. As long as you have responsible employees who want to do the work, they’ll generally be more productive when they can work where they want to and on their own schedule.


    • Eco-Friendly and Cost-Effective
      The cost of having your own office is high, both financially and environmentally. Rent, electricity, heating and cooling, office supplies, and maintenance fees are bound to be substantial, and your carbon footprint will be too. But if you have employees who regularly work from home or from a convenient virtual office space, you won’t have to deal with any of those factors. In addition, cutting down on long commutes will help reduce harmful emissions. By embracing the idea of telecommuting or having your employees work in flexible offices you lease, you’ll be saving both money and the planet.


  • Healthier and Happier Staff
    Many employers are currently dealing with high levels of turnover within their organizations, and absences are often a problem as well. But teleworkers are often much healthier than regular office workers; they have more time to exercise during the day and can schedule their time to get more rest or visit the doctor when they need it while still completing their work. Healthier employees are less likely to take days off, which means your workers will generally be more productive. And because your employees will be better able to balance their time and family life, there’ll be an increased sense of loyalty to your company. Employees will stick around for longer when they’re happier, and that means you won’t have to spend huge amounts of money on replacing employees who decide to leave or who can’t keep up with the workload in a conventional setting.

Looking for alternatives to a traditional office? At Stat International, we can provide the office solutions you need. To find out more about setting up a virtual office, contact us today!

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