The keys to any successful business are talent and adaptability. Workplace flexibility is on the rise, and for good reason. Across generations, Americans prefer flexible working options. Without them, many companies will struggle to retain top performers. Companies are also increasingly in need of establishing access to office space for rent on a temporary basis to conduct business and grow. So, how can you provide unique office solutions? Let us count the ways.
- Telecommuting. Working remotely benefits both employees and the bottom line. In one study, 82% of telecommuters experienced reduced stress levels. Lower stress equals better health. Accordingly, the American Management Association found that companies offering telework programs achieved a 63% decrease in employee absences. As for employers, they can expect productivity to rise and costs to drop. 30% of teleworkers surveyed by ConnectSolutions reported that telecommuting allowed them to complete more work in fewer hours. Companies of all sizes report considerable operating cost savings derived from telework programs.
- Virtual office space for rent. Virtual offices offer organizations the ability to claim additional office locations, usually in prestige cities. For example, many companies in the Northeast purchase virtual office packages “in” New York City to indicate some level of presence in that market, even if they don’t have an established office there. Packages typically include an exclusive and unique business address for mailing purposes and to put on your website as an “office location.” The address is usually a luxury location to impress prospective clients, such as The Chrysler Building. Additional options include mail forwarding from the virtual office address to your physical office location, phone reception and call forwarding, and administrative services. This is a great way to begin moving into a new market in digestible steps as you are ready to take them, rather than signing an expensive annual lease at the outset of your foray into the new market.
- Co-working office space for rent. Co-working space offers the ability to have office space available, but only as you need it. Space can be rented by the month, half month, week or on a daily basis. These options are great for companies who need work space in another city for a temporary project. Co-working spaces come with amenities like high speed WiFi, a cafe, conference rooms, and reception and administrative services.
- Private flex office space. This option offers several days of schedule access and high speed WiFi, a modern dedicated desk, secured locked storage, a business address, phone number and office signage, live personal reception, private mailbox and weekly mail forwarding, business administrative services, conference room access, printer and copier use, cafe space, premium coffee and beverage service, and daily office and facilities cleaning.
As the world grows evermore global, smaller and interconnected, organizations need to adapt on the fly to succeed. Flexible schedules and workspaces help facilitate that success.