Understanding The Pros And Cons of Virtual Office Spaces: Part 2

Understanding The Pros And Cons of Virtual Office Spaces: Part 2

In the last post, we discussed some essential pros and cons to keep in mind when considering whether or not virtual office spaces are a wise investment for your business. However, it’s important to understand the full range of advantages and disadvantages before making your final decision. Here’s part two of our guide that will explore some more pros and cons of investing in virtual office services.

PRO: Larger Employment Pool
Hiring employees in various locations opens up more possibilities for finding the most experienced and suitable candidates. Not only that, but if your business involves heavy sales, having employees in different locations allows a fair distribution for sales territories while maintaining the benefit of meeting face-to-face with clients.

CON: Potential For Isolation
While it’s true that about 67% of professionals agree that working remotely is productive, it’s easy for employees to sometimes feel a sense of isolation between themselves and their fellow coworkers. This is especially true if they’re located hundreds of miles away from the main office. On the other hand, most employees don’t perceive this feeling as isolation, but rather, as a sense of independence and accountability. Your employees should take pride in their work regardless of their location and strive to meet deadlines and communicate efficiently. Efficient communication is likely to take any potential for emotions of isolation completely out of the equation.

PRO: Increased Flexibility and Job Satisfaction
Finally, one benefit that often outweighs all other pros and cons is the one-of-a-kind freedom and flexibility your employees will have on a day-to-day basis. About 80% of employees view the option to work remotely as a job perk, which isn’t surprising, considering the time and frustration employees will save on those long daily commutes. Furthermore, being able to work around their own schedules often helps employees work as efficiently as possible without sacrificing quality or output. For many employers, this is something you just can’t put a price on.

Ultimately, understanding these advantages and disadvantages of virtual office spaces can help you determine whether or not they’re a worthwhile investment for your business. For more information about virtual office space leasing, contact Stat International.

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